• -5%
Perhaps no work of Martin Luther's so captures the revolutionary zeal and theological boldness of his vision as The Freedom of a Christian. Yet, it is not easily accessible today. Mark Tranvik's new translation of Luther's treatise brings alive the social, historical, and ecclesial context of Luther's treatise. Key Features: An informative Introduction that lays out the context of Luther's writing A modern, student-friendly translation of the text of Luther's Letter to Pope Leo X and The Freedom of a Christian Frequent headings to guide the student's reading and comprehension Student-oriented notes to explain theological controversies and terms A glossary of key theological and ecclesial terms A map of Reformation Europe in the 16th Century Ten black and white illustrations A short "For Further Reading" list This is the first of a set of student guides to key Reformation treatises by Martin Luther, concentrating on those most widely used in college settings.
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