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‘A highly timely book. Pope Francis wants the whole church to discern together the way God wants the Church to go. This book helps a lot for a sane discernment of the style of synodality that really matters.’
Christoph Card. Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna
Emanating from the Irish Church but with contributions from leading scholars in the UK, US, Venezuela, Germany, Italy, France, The Netherlands and Australia, this book of fifteen essays provides:
- An introduction to the meaning of synodality and its rich foundations within the Catholic tradition
- Makes the case for synodality as “that which God expects of the Church of the third millennium” (Pope Francis)
- Argues that failure to embrace the synodal path is not an option if the Church is to have any meaningful role to play in the third millennium.

Novela biográfica de Carmen Guaita

Eamonn Conway
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