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In 1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared eighteen times to a poor teenage girl in rural France, Bernadette Soubirous. When authorities questioned her sincerity, Bernadette, at the Lady's word, dug a hole in the middle of a field while the crowd jeered, and within a day, a full spring began to flow from that very spot. Since then, these waters have given miraculous healings--both spiritual and physical--to many thousands of pilgrims in the little village of Lourdes. Richly adorned throughout with full-color photographs and artwork, this book gathers together stories and meditations from great writers over the centuries who have been deeply touched by the grace of Our Lady of Lourdes--including poets, novelists and popes. Some were firsthand witnesses of miracles; others were simply moved in their souls by the beauty of Lourdes and Mary's message. Among the many famous historical, literary, and religious figures whose writings grace this volume are Paul Claudel, PopePius IX, Pope Pius XII, Joris-Karl Huysmans, François Mauriac, and Émile Zola. This gorgeously illustrated, beautifully written collection immerses readers from afar in the great mystery of Lourdes. Mary's magnificent theological message to Bernadette-- "I am the Immaculate Conception"--still resounds through our world today. Lourdes: Healing and Rebirth unfolds the meaning of this enigmatic event and shows us how it can change the way we live.

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