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“How do we preach the gospel today when so many no longer accept the old narratives? They no longer walk with us; so many have joined the 'nones.' How do we tell the Christian story? We can't simply fall into a biblical literalism, which makes little sense in a postmodern world...yet the good news is meant to be proclaimed. How do we find the language today to convey that message? What follows are short chapters, brief meditations on these difficult questions, some of which I call 'holy blasphemies, ' questions we are reluctant to raise with other Christians, though we often find ourselves asking them in the silence of our hearts." --from the Introduction

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I prodotti con la dicitura PRE-ORDINE hanno tempi di consegna maggiori. Questo è dovuto al fatto che spesso sono libri rari o antichi. Ma anche libri in lingua originale per questo motivo, la spedizione ha tempi di attesa maggiori. 

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