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New paperback edition of an acclaimed Christocentric theology for evangelical intellectual life Already an acclaimed Christocentric theology for contemporary evangelical intellectual life, Mark Noll's Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind (2011) significantly updates Noll's critical assessment of evangelical Christian scholarship in his landmark Scandal of the Evangelical Mind (1994). In this newer book -- now in paperback -- Noll charts a positive way forward for evangelical thinking and learning. Noll's Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind shows how the orthodox Christology confessed in the ancient Christian creeds, far from hindering or discouraging serious scholarship, can supply the motives, guidance, and framework for learning. Christian faith, Noll argues, can richly enhance intellectual engagement in the various academic disciplines -- and he demonstrates how by applying his insights to the fields of history (his own area of expertise), science, and biblical studies in particular. In a substantial postscript Noll candidly addresses the question How fares the "evangelical mind" today? as he highlights "hopeful signs" of intellectual life in a host of evangelical institutions, individuals, and movements.
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