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Dr. Gerry Crete takes you on a journey to encounter all the parts of your inner world and allow them to be seen, heard, known, and loved. As you get to know these parts, you'll discover your inmost self, your spiritual center, and learn how to love yourself in a healthy and enriching way. You'll learn that with God's grace, the inmost self can help relieve us of our burdens of shame, fear, and self-hatred. You will join with St. Paul as he says, "I delight in the law of God, in my inmost self." When your inmost self and your parts work together in freedom and love, you experience inner harmony.

The first step is to hear the cries of our parts, understand their pain, and hear their stories. The litanies and meditations in this book are designed to help you connect with your parts and experience connection with God in a way that is both safe and intimate.

This book is filled with litanies, the voices of our inner parts - sometimes protective, and closed off, and at other times wounded, and fearful -- as they cry out to God for help. Dr. Crete's life's work has been to help people recover from the difficult and painful experiences of the past. He has focused on how we relieve anxiety and live more fulfilling lives and enjoy more meaningful relationships. In this book Dr. Crete offers you his knowledge, insights, and experience in the hopes that you will experience not only relief from anxiety but inner harmony, greater life fulfillment, and a deeper more intimate relationship with God.

If you have experienced severe trauma: sexual abuse, military trauma, torture, the loss of a loved one, spiritual abuse, verbal humiliation, neglect, or emotional abandonment, then this book may provide a way to begin the healing process and grow in resilience.

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