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In the early 13th century Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan Movement breathed new life into the church, attracting tens of thousands of adherents. Yet within decades this movement split into clashing branches. Why?

Since understanding Francis himself is key to understanding this history, Howard Snyder begins with Francis’s life, conversion, and remarkable mission. He highlights aspects of the story not found in most Francis biographies and identifies key factors that illuminate movement dynamics.

Looking at Francis as an organizer opens new windows of understanding into Franciscan history. Snyder explains how Francis put together his movement and how he led―or on occasion did not lead. He shows why the Lesser Brothers multiplied so quickly, crossing multiple cultural barriers, spreading into Asia, Africa, and the Americas. He also explicates their conflicts and why they eventually fragmented.

Francis of Assisi, Movement Maker offers insights for today’s church and its role in culture, including personal discipleship and the stewardship and healing of the earth.

Snyder Howard
2 Articoli

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