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Among the landmark accomplishments of the second Vatican Council was the restoration of the order of permanent deacons, which had languished since the early middle ages. In THE PERMANENT DIACONATE, renowned Franciscan theologian Kenan B. Osborne demonstrates that one cannot study the renewed order of permanent deacons within the Catholic Church without understanding the renewal of the Order of Priests and Bishops as well. He accomplishes this by bringing all three of the Holy Orders of the Church-the diaconate, the presbyterate, and the episcopate-into focus through the lens of post-Vatican II sacramental and systematic theology. In addition to establishing the context for the permanent deacon within the framework of ministry, Vatican II, and the Catechism, Fr. Osborne also provides important insights into the key issues that continue to surround the diaconate and remain unresolved, such as formation, anointing of the sick, and church leadership. In addition to helping readers understand the basis for the restoration of the Order of Deacons, THE PERMANENT DIACONATE will also serve as an excellent guide to grasping the essence of Vatican II itself.
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