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The process of restructuring a parish-due to clergy shortage and changing demographic, among other things-from the traditional staffing model to a different staffing model, can be traumatic for many parishioners. Studies have been done that consider the opinions of diocesan planners and priests who have been involved in parish restructuring. But as of yet, no one has asked the opinions of parishioners. This book reports on the findings of a survey of parish pastoral council members in parishes that have undergone a restructuring. Through their responses to the survey items and in their thoughtful responses to an open-ended question, they provide us with insights as to those activities that they think are most important in easing the trauma of a parish restructuring. Over the next few years nearly every U.S. diocese will feel the need to restructure parishes. This book provides all those involved-diocesan planners, pastors, and the folks in the pew-with insights and specific recommendations as to how to most effectively carry out a parish restructuring.
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