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Ministry is transformative action. As Christians, when we do something in service-engaging the needs of our sister and brothers in the name of Jesus Christ-we minister for the reign of God. The Romero House volunteers, whose narratives undergird this volume, actively construct a theology of ministry while undergoing a powerful sense of personal transformation. In Ministry That Transforms, Kathleen McAlpin:Showcases the Romero House group and her program of Integration for Ministry that provides adult education and ministry formationLays out a transformative Contemplative Theological Reflection Process leading to conversion, contemplation, and holiness through practice and dialogueEnlists Scripture, social justice concerns, and a cast of critical thinkers in the theology of ministry Anyone involved in ministry-whether in formation programs, in parishes, or in social justice activities-will welcome this creative, process-oriented framework for ministerial theology and faith development, a framework that is firmly grounded in the minister's grassroots experience.
2 Articoli

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