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Today’s popular culture thrives on telling us what we should do and who we should be. We need to have the prestigious job, the perfect relationship, the jam-packed social life, and we need to show it all off on social media. But can achieving those things provide the fulfillment that we all long for? Is there something bigger and better out there waiting for us?

Tim Muldoon has counseled countless young adults on this very issue. In Living Against the Grain, Muldoon offers a field-tested strategy for those facing a time of transition to help them discern their deepest desires and discover their true purpose in and for this world. Each chapter focuses on a crucial aspect of decision making, such as traveling the unpaved road, discovering your calling, finding inner freedom, and loving authentically. Throughout the chapters, Muldoon poses reflective questions that make the material both personal and practical.

By engaging in the unique discernment process found in this book, you’ll be wholly equipped to find the path you were meant to follow and become the person you were created to be.

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