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Make God a member of your family.

Do you struggle to find the right way to integrate prayer into your daily family life? Are you worried your children won’t practice the same faith
that has sustained you in times of difficulty?

When Jane Knuth inherited the family “prayer list” from her aunt, she decided to continue the tradition of praying regularly with the list of needs and thanks for relatives and friends. But prayer fits itself to every person’s—and every family’s—situation and culture. As Jane learned how to pray in her family and explored the prayer experiences of other families, she discovered a simple truth: the best way to pray with your family is the way that works best for your family.

The Prayer List shares the true stories of how families from many faith traditions—Christian, non-Christian, or no defined faith—pray together in
meaningful ways. With prompts to inspire your own family’s prayer after each chapter, these stories prove that family prayer can be a path to the intimacy and closeness we long for.
It’s like making God a member of the family.

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