• -5%
The best way to help people to appreciate this Sacrament is to elucidate the many benefits we receive from it. This book focuses on 25 striking things that Confession affords. It demonstrates that Confession gives us much more than it takes away! Taking 'negative' things (sin) away is one thing for whoch this Sacrament is well known, but how many people think of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in terms of the 'positive' things it provides for us This positive approach is a welcome alternative to viewing this Sacrament simply in relation to sin. It is informative and entertaining as it is illustrated with interesting analogies, true stories, Church teaching, quotations from the saints and answers to popular questions. "This book will touch the hearts and enlighten the minds of many saints and sinners, teachers and witnesses" George Cardinal Pell, Archbishop of Sydney. Fr Michael de Stoop is Director of Vocations, Sydney, Australia.
1 Articolo

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