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It is time to rekindle the fire, to find hope and new life in the church. Fr. Martin Pable takes a good look at the church and confidently offers a powerful and exciting expression of our possibilities. In a time when the church is needed more than ever before, Reclaim the Fire is a beacon, a promise, and a comfort. Many Catholics, Pable says, have learned doctrine and participated in sacraments, but have not been evangelized. They have not been taught to know Jesus Christ in a real way. Reclaim the Fire recaptures the heart, the soul, and the mission of the church, and in so doing, feeds the fire started when the church began. Pable outlines a way to reverse discouraging trends and bring the people back to the faith. He looks to our present culture and shows how the church can be a light to the nations, and he demonstrates how every parish can spread the gospel message with enthusiasm. No parish should be without this important resource.

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