• -5%
"Where Do Priests Come From?" is a great book! It's a beautiful and inspiring story for today's Catholic children. The illustrations express the faith, which the book shares and highlights. I would strongly recommend this book to Catholic families, schools, and formation programs. Fr Jeffrey Kirby, STL, Vicar for Vocations, Diocese of Charleston, SC, author of "Becoming Father Bob"; A book I can give to my own nieces and nephews on the priesthood. I plan to read it to them myself. Rev. W. Shawn McKnight, S.T.D., Executive Director of the Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; A lovely little book explaining a most profound mystery: the priesthood. I pray this book finds its way into the hands of many young boys so that they can be inspired to ponder the question: Is God calling me to be a priest?" Father Donald Calloway, MIC, author of "No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy".
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