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Dante s Deadly Sins is a unique study of the moral philosophy behind Dante s master work that considers the Commedia as he intended, namely, as a practical guide to moral betterment. Focusing on Inferno and Purgatorio, Belliotti examines the puzzles and paradoxes of Dante s moral assumptions, his treatment of the 7 deadly sins, and how 10 of his most powerful moral lessons anticipate modern existentialism. * Analyzes the moral philosophy underpinning one of the greatest works of world culture * Summarizes the Inferno and Purgatorio, while underscoring their moral implications * Explains and evaluates Dante s understanding of the Seven Deadly Sins and the ultimate role they play as the basis of human transgression. * Provides a detailed discussion of the philosophical concepts of moral desert and the law of contrapasso, using character case studies within Dante s work * Connects the poem s moral themes to our own contemporary condition
1 Articolo

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