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Most Catholics who know anything at all about Newman are familiar with his journey from Anglicanism to Rome. What may surprise them is the key role that devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary played in that conversion. Apart from the Papacy, devotion to Mary is perhaps the greatest stumbling block for the majority of Protestants. Yet, Newman had already developed a devotion to Mary and a defense of some Catholic doctrines on the subject even while he was still a Protestant. Newman's journey to the Church can said to have been guided by Our Lady, toward the kindly light which he was to rest in. In honor of his canonization, this volume draws together Newman's Marian writings into an anthology of this new saint's profound writings on our Lady. Some are doctrinal or apologetic while others are deeply devotional meditations. These two approaches, not only show two sides of Saint John Henry Newman's character they will increase your own love and devotion to Our Lady. They illuminate the great depths of Marian doctrine from the Church's treasury with which Newman has so powerfully permeated his own pages, and cause us to go to her for aid.

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