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"Saved from Suicide" -- A most unhappy family lived in one of the small villages of Portugal. The husband, not content on coming home at night and calling his wife bad names, used to beat her, kick her, and even threaten to turn her out of doors. The cause of such conduct can be easily guessed; he used to stay out late at night and frequented bad company. The poor woman, at last despairing of her husband turning over a new leaf, determined to destroy herself. One night, after her husband had gone to his usual haunts, just as she was fetching the rope which was to put an end to her misery in this world, she heard a knock at the door. On opening it, two Franciscan Fathers humbly asked if she could give them a night's lodging, saying: "We have come a great distance, and are called Francis and Anthony." On hearing these words, the poor woman exclaimed: "Oh, what beautiful names! They are the names of two saints I love very dearly. Do, pray, come in, reverend Fathers; you are indeed welcome." She at once set about getting every- thing ready, so as to make them as comfortable as possible. While listening to their conversation about heavenly things at supper, all thoughts of despair and suicide vanished, a feeling of peace and gratitude stole over her heart, making her thank God for having sent her such guests. As soon as the strangers seemed to be preparing to retire to rest, she withdrew to a little room, and there, falling on her knees, humbly implored God's forgiveness, promising Him, in the future, never to yield to despair, being certain that He who is constantly watching over those who place their whole trust in Him, never permits anything to happen to them but for their greater good. While still on her knees, she heard her husband enter the house. But oh, how changed! Instead of beginning to curse and swear at her, as soon as he saw her, he fell at her feet, his face bathed in tears, and humbly entreated forgiveness. What could have changed him so? It was soon explained. Immediately after the poor woman had left the Fathers, they had appeared to the cruel husband, and after sternly reproaching him with his crimes, threatened him with eternal damnation if he did not at once amend. "Richly, indeed, do you deserve to be among the damned, after committing crime upon crime. You will certainly be cast into hell in three days if you do not at once quit this place. Repent of your sins, confess, do penance for them and amend. Hasten home to your wife, ask her for the rope with which she was about to destroy herself, and beg her to forgive you. Tell her the two monks she received and welcomed into her house tonight are no other than St. Francis and St. Anthony." It would be impossible to describe the joy and gratitude of this now reconciled couple towards the two great saints who had been the instruments used by God to save them, soul and body. They at once, both of them, approached the Sacraments of Penance and of the Altar, and from henceforth led lives which were a foretaste of heaven. This is just one of over 100 miracles attributed to St. Anthony of Padua contained in this extraordinary book. Also included are Devotions and Prayers to St Anthony. See my other classic Catholic books on Amazon.com by searching "darrell wright". Thanks for looking and for positive reviews. May God bless you and yours!

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