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Up close and personal, a look at African leaders who ignited independence in Black Africa during the 1960s through the eyes of two American forerunners who knew them well. Thomas Melady, a legendary diplomat, went with his wife Margaret to Africa as a young man to serve others and found himself involved with leaders who would change the face of the continent. They include: Leopold Sedar Senghor, Poet, Philosopher, President of Senegal An optimist about the future of humanity, Senghor said, "We are on the way toward the world of tomorrow -- the world of the civilization of the universal." An African student in Paris, Senghor was saved from communism by his chaplain, Teilhard de Chardin. These leaders and others come alive through stories large and small in this revealing book that only Thomas and Margaret Melady could write. Everyone interested in the history, politics, and religion of this great continent will enjoy their journeys.

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