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"Repair my house." From a crucifix in a ruined chapel, St. Francis heard this instruction, which set him on a mission of evangelical renewal. In the light of unprecedented crisis afflicting the Catholic church, Michael Crosby calls us all to undertake a wholesale project of repair and renewal. The crisis is visible in the sex abuse scandal, and the questions it has raised about internal structures of authority and clerical culture. Meanwhile, a spate of "new atheists" has challenged traditional worldviews. The percentage of those identifying themselves as "former Catholics" grows at an alarming rate. In response, Fr. Crosby sees a challenge to return to the core evangelical message of Jesus Christ. This message is supported, not contradicted by discoveries in science and cosmology. He envisions a new way of being Catholic and a set of practices that draws on the contemplative, compassionate, and life-giving spirit of the Kingdom that God's will may be realized on earth as it is in heaven.
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