• -5%
Despite the frequency in which we attend Mass or the fervor in which we participate, how deeply do we truly understand this Eucharistic celebration? In an exceptional combination of one of the most ancient forms of Scripture study with the history, theology, and Scriptural perspective of the Eucharist, Stephen Binz leads us on an incredible journey of enlightenment. Lectio divina, the ancient practice of Scripture immersion, is at the heart of this process. Specifically, every chapter leads you forward through a sequence of: Listening Reading Scripture with expectancy, trusting that God will speak His Word to us through it Understanding Seeking to comprehend the meaning of the text, encountering God there and being changed by that encounter Reflecting Linking the truth of the Scriptures to the experience of faith in the world in which we live Praying A dialogue with God: we listen to God then we respond in prayer Acting After prayerfully listening to God
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