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Every day, new self-help books are published, all promising their readers happiness and meaning, often forgoing all mention of God. And, still, people cannot find fulfilment. The books and tv shows don’t quell the urgent and eternal questions of ‘How do I find fulfillment in life? How do I obtain happiness?

Fr. Jacques Phillippe provides some answers.  In his book, Called to Life, he explains that a complete and fulfilled life is much more assured when we stop trying to chart our own course, when we realize that we are essentially creatures called by God. He goes on to describe where and how these calls take place: the events of life, the Word of God in Scripture, and interior motions of the Holy Spirit. Learning to recognize and follow these calls is what leads to a happy and full life.

Called to Life includes a special section on how to read Sacred Scripture prayerfully (Lectio Divina), making this a timely source of inspiration and guidance following up on the recommendations of Pope Benedict XVI.

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