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This reissue of J.D.C. Fisher's classic work follows two volumes of his work: Christian Initiation: Confirmation Then and Now, and Christian Initiation: Baptism in the Medieval West. Once again, Fisher introduces the reader to primary sources and translations that are only found in this volume, Christian Initiation: The Reformation Period. The book contains an English version of the early reformed rites of Baptism and Confirmation used during the Reformation period, together with other documents revealing the circumstances in which these rites were compiled and used. Covering the period 1520-52, Fisher offers readers texts for the Lutheran, Reformed, and Anglican traditions and unearths some documents expressing viewpoints of the conservatives of the time who were content with the old Latin services and resisted the innovations of the Reformers. Fisher provides a textual study of these rites that contributes to our understanding of sacramental and liturgical history. The index and cross-referenced text make it easy to find any document in the book. J.D.C. Fisher has supplemented his translation of the Reformation rites for Baptism and Confirmation with a commentary. Includes the rites of Luther, Bucer, Calvin, Knox, Zwingli, and the developments in England culminating in the rites of 1549 and 1552. Published by Liturgy Training Publications.
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