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Hendrickson Christian Classics Audiobooks bring an exciting new dimension to your enjoyment of works that have impacted the spiritual lives of countless people. Enrich your soul by listening to these classics of Christian literature, which are faithfully recorded from the original texts by master narrator Stephen Johnston. Three hundred years ago, an uneducated lay cook in a French monastery discovered how to enjoy a profound awareness of God moment by moment, even in the midst of busyness and distraction. Full of wisdom and spiritual insight, The Practice of the Presence of God reveals Brother Lawrence’s secrets. This classic memoir of the devotional life witnesses to the joy available to all who seek God. The print and audio package will be of great interest both to people that know Brother Lawrence’s work, and to those that are just discovering its riches. Special Features • An affordable combination of the repackaged print and MP3 audio of seventeenth century Carmelite monk Brother Lawrence’s treatise on how Christians can develop an awareness of God’s presence in their daily lives. • Includes a lively audio version that brings the text to life by renowned narrator Stephen Johnston. Hendrickson Christian Classics Every Christian library needs the classics—the timeless books that have spoken powerfully to generations of believers. Hendrickson Christian Classics allows readers to build an essential classics library in affordable modern editions. Each volume is freshly typeset for reading comfort, while thoughtful new introductions place each in historical and spiritual context. Planned to span the spectrum of Christian wisdom through the ages, Hendrickson Christian Classics set a new standard for quality and value
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