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With gratitude to permanent deacons for their service to the People of God, the USCCB presents this second edition of the National Directory for the permanent diaconate in the United States! The National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the USA, 2nd Ed., is an essential document for dioceses to grow and sustain the permanent diaconate. Reflecting on fifty years' experience since the establishment of the permanent diaconate in the United States, this National Directory, second edition, harmonizes diaconal formation and ministry practices. The second edition focuses on the identity of the deacon as "a living icon of Christ the Servant within the Church" (Basic Norms) and emphasizes the deacon as a minister of Word, Liturgy, and Charity in the Christian community. The norms in this second edition are required for use and go into effect on June 9, 2022. The diocesan bishop, and those who assist him, will use the national norms in this directory to help prepare and sustain deacons in their pastoral ministry. The norms will guide dioceses, as they prepare and update diaconal formation programs and accompany deacons in their life and ministry. Diaconate directors responsible for the day-to-day implementation of these diaconal norms will especially rely on these norms.This national directory will also be a solid source of reflection for both new and seasoned permanent deacons, to strengthen their call and ministry in the Church. It would be great for every permanent deacon to have a copy!
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