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Marriage and the family are in crisis. In October 2015, a Synod of Bishops will meet in the Vatican to discuss this important subject. In preparation for the event, eleven Cardinals from around the world have written powerful essays on some of the problems to be discussed: the challenge of providing adequate marriage preparation in a secularized world; the need for evangelization and conversion; the relationship between charity and truth; the situation of divorced and civilly remarried Catholics; and the demands of authentic pastoral care. The authors understand that doctrine and pastoral ministry are not opposed to one another. They carefully steer a wise and merciful course that engages genuine concerns, while avoiding false compassion, which compromises both truth and authentic love. This book serves as both a concise introduction to the forthcoming Synod and a helpful guide to applying Christ's teaching to the pastoral care of families. Long after the Synod, these essays will remain valuable for anyone wanting to understand and to proclaim the Gospel of the Family.
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