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This is an exclusive interview of Cardinal Müller, the head of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and one of the most outstanding Catholic figures in theology today. As a theologian, he strives to give God's answers to men's questions. As the Prefect of the CDF, he has a privileged perspective on the worldwide state of the Church on doctrinal, moral and theological matters, and the questions Catholics and others have today on those matters. But what questions do our contemporaries have? And what answers do they demand from the believer? People today do not see their lack of faith as a tragedy, but what does worry them profoundly is their lack of hope, for which--making matters worse--they try to make up with shallow substitutes like optimism. The key question today therefore is one of hope. And they wonder whether there is hope for the now, they wonder whether they can find it in Christianity--and they wonder, above all: What is the foundation of Christian hope? This interview with Cardinal Müller therefore takes hope as its basic subject: it is a report on hope. It is an in-depth discussion of hope in relation to faith and love, and in relation to Jesus Christ, the Church, the family, and contemporary society.
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