• -5%
In this brief guide, the internationally acclaimed theologian and Dominican priest, Fr. Aidan Nichols seeks to explain the approach to Catholic theology which he has worked out in the course of nearly forty years of publishing books and articles in the service of the Church. He looks at the nature of theology, at its status as a science that is also a wisdom, at its intrinsic principles and methods, its sources, its sub-divisions, and, not least, the qualities which the budding theologian must make his own if theology is to be authentically Christian and Catholic and assist rather than hinder the Church's mission. In a time of considerable confusion in the intellectual life of the Catholic Church, arising not only from professors but hierarchs, The Theologian's Enterprise offers comprehensive counsel to those setting out in the study of their faith, perhaps for the first time, with solid advice on the habits of mind theology requires. The text seeks to combine profundity with brevity. It would be difficult to find a more concise guide in any language.
Nichols Aidan
1 Articolo

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