• -5%
"This breathtakingly beautiful, scholarly, and thought-provoking book is basically about one thing: doing justice to the incarnation. It is the doctrine that confesses not only that God became human, but that God became flesh, became material, thereby signifying the holiness of all God's creation. It is with this conviction that Antonio Sison embarks on a quest to 'midwife' the 'indigenous inculturation' present in a triptych of images from the 'folk Catholic imaginary' in Nairobi in Kenya, Chicago in the United States, and Manila in the Philippines. His purpose is, with a rich hermeneutic of suspicion, generosity, and serendipity, to bring the edges of theologizing to the center. In doing so, however, he reveals to us that, instead of a new theological hegemony (marginal replacing the center), the edges are actually the center."-From the Foreword by Stephen B. Bevans, SVD
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