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We hear a lot about discipleship, but what does it mean for us, really? This enlightening book can help you discover how God has called you to be a disciple, just as surely as Jesus called to fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. Through personal stories, Scripture readings, and prayer experiences, you ll see how the roles and relationships in your own life bless you with not simply one, but many callings to heed God s personal invitation. Through it all, you ll find seven practical ways you can understand and live out your own call to discipleship as Follower, Witness, Forgiver, Worshiper, Neighbor, Prophet and Steward. Whether you read this wonderful book on your own or with others in a group RCIA, prayer circle, ministry team, faith sharing it will help you grow in understanding and faithfulness as you discern and discover your unique place in God s loving kingdom.

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