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The text traces the steps taken by the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA) regarding their experience in the process of cooperation for development within their mission. In doing so, they specify the type of human development that they aim at promoting, together with the goal and their their style of operating to achieve it. The guidelines indicated in the Document are not offered exclusively to members of the FMA Institute, but also to lay men and women who are either co-responsible in their educative mission and/or all persons of good will who believe in solidarity. The criterion that has guided the writing of this document, is that of reciprocity between peoples, diverse contexts, groups and institutions that operate in the field of solidarity. Cooperation for Development that is inspired by Christian humanism, is developed through networking with other institutions for the purpose of collaborating in obtaining quality of life for every person. The fundamental option for the poor, and the specific attention given to poverty and those who are excluded, stems from the awareness that they are not a problem, but that they are persons capable of building for themselves and for others, a better and more humane future. Muhammad Yunus, who was awarded the 2006 Nobel prize for peace, has himself proven that even the poorest among the poor can work at obtaining their own personal development. The content of the document is intended to stimulate a renewed style of coordination among those who operate within the diverse contexts of the FMA Institute for the scope of cooperation for development and who network with both civil and ecclesial organizations. Experience that has matured over the years has boosted activities and enterprises according to the salesian charism and its criterion of the foreseeing nature of education.
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