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Catechetical expert, Deacon Matthew Halbach presents a user-friendly overview of the Catholic Church s new Directory for Catechesis with this easy-to-read guide that makes the Directory accessible, relevant and meaningful to those involved in catechetical ministry. Perfect for both new and seasoned catechists, this reference is the ideal resource that belongs in the hands of everyone involved in catechetical ministry and religious education: catechists, pastors, Parish Catechetical Leaders, Catholic school teachers, principals, and diocesan leaders. A MUST READ resource! This guide presents the official document in an easy-to-follow format by: Summarizing each of the new Directory's main parts; Highlighting new points and directions for the Church's mission of catechesis; Inviting catechists and catechetical leaders to deepen their understanding and appreciation of catechesis and its connection with evangelization and mission; Providing reflection and prayer for each section; and Offering a user-friendly glossary of terms for quick reference.

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