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Fifteen hundred years on, the seeds of faith planted by Saint Columba continue to bear fruit. His spiritual and cultural legacy is maintained by the Celtic peoples of Ireland and Scotland whose Christian Faith finds its most authentic expression in the ancient tongue of the Gael. This Novena and Litany were composed to mark the 1500th anniversary of Saint Columba's birth and it can be used by the faithful all year round. It puts us in touch again with the roots of our faith, and the trilingual format reconnects the Irish, Scottish and English communities among which Saint Columba and his missionaries lived and worked. As we celebrate this anniversary, we seek the intercession of this holy man of God for the needs of our own times.

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I prodotti con la dicitura PRE-ORDINE hanno tempi di consegna maggiori. Questo è dovuto al fatto che spesso sono libri rari o antichi. Ma anche libri in lingua originale per questo motivo, la spedizione ha tempi di attesa maggiori. 

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