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This book brings together a collection of scholarly and pastoral essays on liturgy from twenty leading scholars, both lay and clerical. The essays deal with contemporary issues, many of which are rooted in an Irish pastoral context. With a foreword from Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, this volume includes contributions from such noted academics as Paul F. Bradshaw, Professor of Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame; Patrick Hannon, former Chairman of the Irish Commission for Justice and Peace; and Michael Mullins, former Director of Studies at the Pontifical Irish College in Rome. Serving Liturgical Renewal is written in honour of Patrick Jones, who recently retired as Director of the National Centre for Liturgy and as Liturgy Secretary to the Irish Episcopal Conference. His contribution to liturgical renewal over the past fifty years has had a huge influence on many people at parish level, on clergy and bishops, as well as on his former students. This encouraging and thought-provoking book is ideal for students of liturgy, as well as academics, clergy and all those who have an interest in liturgical studies.
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