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Elizabeth’s summer progresses were an essential aspect of the Propaganda which allowed her to be seen and hosted by her subjects on many public occasions. The Kenilworth and the Elvetham pageants are two examples of entertainments held to praise the queen in two different moments of her reign. The Kenilworth one was held in 1575 when Elizabeth visited the Earl of Leicester and was celebrated for her Arthurian ancestry and her imperial ambitions. Held in 1591, the Elvetham entertainment turned out to be further evidence of Elizabeth’s greatness and divine nature as a Moon goddess. Her host, the unfortunate Earl of Hertford enlarged his house and transformed his garden to welcome the queen who would restore him back to her favours. This book contains the texts of the Kenilworth and Elvetham entertainments as reported in John Nichols’ The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth I (1823).
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