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Liturgical Theology' is often a convenient label for any theology that has loosely to do with worship or Eucharist. In this innovative book, David Fagerberg distinguishes liturgical theology from a general theology of worship. He proposes two defining attributes of liturgical theology: (1) 'ex orandi': It is manifested in the Church's historical rites.(2) 'theologia prima': It is theology done by the liturgical community.In straightforward, clear, concise language, he dilates our definition of liturgy:Liturgy is the trysting place of truth, beauty, and goodness.Christ is the premiere liturgist, and Baptism summons apprentices to his labor. Liturgy is our place of steadfast encounter with God.By this understanding, liturgical theology can be adequately defined:Liturgy is the faith of the Church in motion, and as such is the basis of the Church's 'lex credendi'.To see liturgical theology (to witness lex orandi), one must go to the deep structures of the rite.Liturgical asceticism gives us the capacity to participate in the liturgical response. The subject matter of this book is how the liturgical assembly makes theological adjustment to its encounter with God. Liturgical theology is therefore the basis for all theology, whether done by a believer in the pew, a monk in the cell, or an academic in the study. 'Theologia Prima: What Is Liturgical Theology?' is a thorough revision of Dr. Fagerberg's groundbreaking 'What Is Liturgical Theology?' (The Liturgical Press, 1992). It has been reorganized for easier reference and contains new examples as well as more anecdotal material derived from Dr. Fagerberg's extensive experience as a teacher and theologian.David Fagerberg is an associate professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame. He was the former acting director and associate professor of liturgical studies at The Liturgical Institute, University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary, Mundelein, Illinois. He holds an MDIV from Luther Northwestern Seminary; an MA in liturgical studies from St. John's University, Collegeville; an STM from Yale Divinity School; and a PHD in liturgical theology from Yale University. Publications include 'What Is Liturgical Theology?' (The Liturgical Press, 1992) and 'The Size of Chesterton's Catholicism' (University of Notre Dame Press, 1998) as well as journal articles in 'Worship', 'America', 'New Blackfriars', 'Pro Ecclesia', 'Diakonia', and 'Antiphon'.

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