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The years 1987 and 1990 saw the publication of two unprecedented and immediately popular reference works, The New Dictionary of Theology and The New Dictionary of Sacramental Worship. The present work, The New Dictionary of Catholic Spirituality, edited by Michael Downey, is intended as a companion to these, with a parallel aim and purpose. The NDCS is a collaborative attempt to take stock of the remarkable developments in the Church and the world since the Second Vatican Council, but with a specific focus on the reform and renewal of Catholic spirituality that the Council set in motion. The dictionary is intended to serve as a reliable theological and pastoral resource, not just for experts, but for all those interested in spirituality: teachers at all levels, writers, preachers, and students. In addition to the over 500 entries, the dictionary includes alphabetical and topical indices, cross-referencing, and running heads al in a durable binding. Entries include: Prayer by John H. Wright, SJ Grace by Roger Haight, SJ Experience by Tad Dunne Praxis by Rebecca S. Chopp Sacraments by David N. Power, OMI Faith by Mary Ann Fatula, OP Hope by Monika K. Hellwig Love by Elizabeth Dreyer Virtue by Paul J. Wadell, CP Discernment of Spirits by Michael J. Buckley, SJ History of Christian Spirituality by Richard Woods, OPWestern Medieval Spirituality by Walter H. Principe, CSB Feminist Spirituality by Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM Early Christian Spirituality by Daniel J. Harrington, SJ Patristic Spirituality by David G. Hunter Reformation and Catholic Reformation Spiritualties by John W. O'Malley, SJ Modern Spirituality by Thomas F. McKenna, CM Contemporary Spirituality by James J. Bacik Apostolic Spirituality by Mary Milligan, RSHM Benedictine Spirituality by Terrence G. Kardong, OSB Cistercian Spirituality by Michael Casey, OCSO Franciscan Spirituality by Michael Blastic, OFM Conv Dominican Spirituality by Ronald J. Zawilla Ignatian Spirituality by Harvey D. Egan, SJ Lay Spirituality by Edward C. Sellner Trinitarian Spirituality by Catherine M. LaCugna and Michael Downey Christian Spirituality by Walter H. Principe, CSB
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