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Sezione monografica / Theme section Defining Religious Minorities / Definire le minoranze religiose Santiago Montero Herrero - Diego M. Escámez de Vera, Minorities and divination practices in the Roman Empire Luca Arcari, “Minority” as a Self-Definition Discourse in Second Temple Judaism Francesco Berno, Notes on a Leading Minority. Gnostic Para-Religious Self-Understanding Emiliano Rubens Urciuoli, Uncanny Min/ajorities. On Tertullian’s Bluffing with Christian Numbers Alessandro Saggioro, Sine suffragiis. Exclusion of religious minorities in the Theodosian Code Maijastina Kahlos, Minority Report? Religious Minorities and Majorities in Late Antique Argumentation Tessa Canella, Shifting minorities. Integration strategies between Romans and Barbarians between 5th and 6th century Margherita Mantovani, Remarks on the Yezidi Religious Identity Andrea Annese, The Armenian Genocide in the Italian Protestant Press (1915-1918). The Distinctive Viewpoint of a Minority Mara Matt a, Calcutta Kosher and The Man with Many Hats. Recasting the Baghdadi Jews as a ‘New’ Minority in Contemporary India
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