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THEME SECTION / SEZIONE MONOGRAFICA JESSI ORPANA, Transmission and Reinterpretation of Scriptural Imagery and Traditions on the Creation of Humanity in the Book of Ben Sira TAVIS A. BOHLINGER, A Survey of the Akedah in Pseudo-Philo BEATE KOWALSKI, “Let My People Go, That They May Serve Me.” (Exod 10:3). Exodus Motifs in the Revelation of John KASPAR DALGAARD, Multiple Melchizedeks in the Books of Jeu and Pistis Sophia Articles / ARTICOLI DAVID ROTHSTEIN, Biblical Allusion, Compositional Rhetoric and Cultic Praxis. Decoding the Intertextual Web in 4Q266 TRAVIS TROST, Herod the Great, the Magi, and Parthia AUGUSTO COSENTINO, Jewishness and non- (or anti-)Jewishness in the Pauline Corpus

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