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The book collects a selection of topics of tropical diseases of wide diffusion and great impact in terms of Public Health. In fact, the selection of diseases has been made according to criteria of epidemiological importance, in terms of diffusion in different geographical areas, and clinical impact. In particular, the following topics were addressed: HIV, tuberculosis, malaria, haemorrhagic fever, sepsis, meningitis, diarrhoea and foodborne diseases, viral hepatitis, pregnancy infections, bone infections, vaccinations, antibiotic therapy and the use of ultrasound in tropical diseases. Finally, a chapter on Covid-19 has been added. The chapters have been written by experts in the field from Italian and foreign universities and public institutions. Here we remember the important contribution of professors from the Universities of Brescia, Magna Graecia, Université de Paris, St. Mary Lacor Gulu-Uganda, St. Elizabeth University Bratislava-Slovakia, ASL Roma 1, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart. The volume also contains a Preface by Prof. Marco Caselli, Director of CeSi and an Introduction by Prof. Giampiero Carosi, President of Medicus Mundi Italy. The aim of this initiative, in line with the objectives of the University Centre for International Solidarity, is to provide an agile consultation tool for doctors, but not only, operating in difficult health contexts, such as in countries with limited resources.
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